For the last 6 years we are saving and collecting animals from different farms and places that didn’t gave them a good life as they should have.

✨ Everything what we do, the energy we invest daily and the money we spend on those animals coming from our visitors and our own pocket to give them a better life.

We arrived to difficult finesse situation to support some of our animals that we can’t effort. Our vets doing their best to help but two of our animals need an operation.

🦙🐴 That's why we need your help to give Hoppie and Gal the medical attention they deserve. Hopefully you can help us out with any amount of donation. We hope to collect enough money to support those pure animals and to continue our journey with saving more animals in the future.

For those who have been at Mama-Adama have seen how and what we do with the animals and the rest of the farm and we know that each one of you is an angel to help and spread the word.

➡️ You can donate via this link:
Did you know you can also donate directly to our bank account?
You can use our IBAN:  PT50001800035618669502080

We want you to know we are very grateful for every donation, share and/or other support. ❤️